Sunday School Information

Second Season Sunday School March-May

Course Title/Teacher Course content
catechumen Zhang Jianjun/Lian Bangxiang Do you believe that coming to church is not accidental, but that God is looking for you? The God who created all things in the universe invites you to know Him and receive the gift of eternal life He has prepared for you. The lessons of the catechumens range from confirming the reliability and authority of the Bible to seeing how true the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago is, and the only way for us to be saved.
this is the bible

Ma Linqing/Fan Xiang

All Scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work. The Bible is the food of spiritual life. In order to grow in the Christian life, we must develop time to read and meditate on the Word of God every day. This lesson starts with
Beginning with the authority and background of the Bible, students can understand how God reveals himself to people through the Bible. At the same time, from different literary types, such as the law book, history book, wisdom book, prophetic book, gospel book, New Testament letter, apocalypse, to further run through the theme of the whole Bible: God's creation, man's fall, God's salvation, and the redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross.
ordinary letters

Bandai/Chen Xinchun

The common letters refer to the letters in the New Testament other than the letters of Paul: Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude. From it, we get a glimpse of the problems and heresies faced by the early church, and understand how the apostles stopped heresies and heresies on the basis of the truth of Christ Jesus, and preserved the purity of the Gospel of Christ. Reflect the interpretation of the Gospel by different authors, for example, James emphasizes the importance of works, Peter emphasizes hope, John emphasizes love, Jude addresses heresy, etc. These different emphases complement each other with Paul’s epistles, revealing the consistency and the completeness of God’s revelation, and they have different edifications for the lives of believers.

Yang Zhiping/Zhou Yuzhong

Exodus is a continuation of Genesis in story. This book molded the religious, political and ethical consciousness of the Israelites, and also alluded to the salvation of all mankind. In the spiritual sense, it gives an illustration for being delivered from sin, being saved by God, and entering into the kingdom of God. This book describes how the Israelites were redeemed by God and led them out of Egypt. During the process, they did great things for them and gave laws and regulations. This lesson uses textbooks and video teaching materials provided by the "Bible Information Society".